Featured DivaGirl for July Andreena Hofferden

June 17, 2020

Meet Featured DivaGirl for July, Andreena Hofferden also known as Cocktail Dreena! Andreena is passionate about health and good food. Her own struggle with maintaining good health growing up, led her to study nutrition and become a vegan. Now as a Holistic Nutritionist and Vegan Chef, she helps millennials find holistic ways to feed their minds, bodies & souls, without compromising their love for food. Through her business Cocktail Lifestyle, she offers workshops and one-on-one coaching programs to help others transition into a more holistic lifestyle, as well as private chef services for private events. Dreena lives by the motto Live, Love, Laugh, because she believes it is the true way to lead a happy healthy holistic lifestyle.

What are (3) adjectives that best describe you? Why?

Passionate. I’m passionate about any and everything in life. Passion literally oozes though my pores. Even the smallest things fuel me up with passion. Adventurous. I love random spontaneous adventures. Wrapping up a business meeting and then randomly going to scarborough bluffs beach for a bond fire is a typical thing that I would do.Maternal. A trait of mine that my best friend used to hate, but now appreciates. I guess being the 5th of 13 trained my maternal instincts before I even had the chance to think about having kids

If you can travel anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?

Ethiopia!!! I’ve always felt so connected to the culture, I absolutely LOVE the food and I’m always mistaken for a habeesha girl (Ethiopian girl). Also because a lot of the Jamaican culture (which is my background) is rooted in ethiopian traditions and beliefs.

What do you do to get fit, have fun and feel sexy?

To get fit, I EAT, and I love kicking some ass in the gym. For fun, I love doing anything related to nature. Hiking trips, camping trips, bon fires, etc… To feel sexy, I get my Yoni popping! [For those who don’t know what yoni popping is, it’s a fun way to work your Kegel muscles! You use a Yoni egg, made out of a crystal stone (the type of crystal is your preference), and you get them kegel muscles working!

What are (3) staple outfits you have in your closet?

Long printed & flowy Bebe dress with coach slippers (I have many of these flowy conservatively sexy dresses) Leather high waisted tights with one of my many lacey crop tops and a pair of cute heels to match the top. GYM CLOTHES! Cute matching tights and tops with a comfy bright and colorful pair of runners.

What is your definition of a Divagirl? How does being a DivaGirl make you feel empowered?

My definition of a DivaGirl is a woman who’s classy, sassy, yet down to earth and masters doing three things, Making money, having a lots of fun, and looking extremely fly while doing either of the above. Being a diva girl makes me feel like I can conquer all my dreams and desires with ease. It allows me to embrace my femininity, feel super confident in who I am as a woman, and motivates me to be all that I can be.

What are your three major accomplishments and why?

Transitioning my life and lifestyle into a more holistic way of life. This helped me to get rid of my health issues and LIVE! Completing post secondary school in the study of Nutrition, and becoming a certified Holistic Nutritionist. Maintaining a perky disposition in life, despite my rough adolescent years. Depression couldn’t sink its claws into me.

Aside from your family and close friends, who are your other outside influencers and how have they changed you?

The first dude I ever fell in love with. He broke my heart to shreds of course, but he also taught me so much about myself, and he influenced me to change my life in so many ways. I would not be who I am today without the experience he brought to my life. Another influence was my mentor Melyssa Moniz. She inspired me to build so much confidence within myself over the years and gave me insight on how to run a successful business.

Favourite Quote/Motto that you live by?


What was the last book you read?

The last book I read was Nutrition for the Mind, by Dr. Patrick Holford. It was a very insightful read on how nutrition plays a vital role in mental illness.

What has been challenging for you as an entrepreneur? How did you overcome it?

The most challenging for me as a entrepreneur was selling myself. For a long time, I lacked confidence. I didn’t think that I had much to offer, or enough experience, or if I could even get anyone to care about what I did. I overcame it with the help and guidance of my mentor Melyssa Moniz. From her business lessons to her spiritual guidance, she helped me to overcome so many fears, and truly just be.

What is your go to cheat food?

POPCORN!!!! OMG I’m literally a popcorn addict (hidden monkey face emoji). I have footage of being a year old toddler and going nuts over caramel popcorn. I love all types. Plain popcorn, Caramel popcorn, kettle popcorn, sweet and salty popcorn, salt and butter popcorn… It’s a serious love affair that I’ve tried time and time again to get out of.

Be sure to check out this amazing beauty!!

Website: www.cocktaillifestyle.com

IG: CocktailDreena | FB: Andreena Hofferden or Cocktail Lifestyle with Cocktail Dreena