Featured DivaGirl for July Sandra Morra

June 16, 2020

Congratulations Sandra for being our Featured DivaGirl for July!

Sandra Morra is a former Dental Assistant turned Entrepreneur, who found her passion while taking time off to raise her three children. During her time “home”, she found her passion in volunteering at the kids’ school, breakfast programs, and in her local community. While looking to go back into the corporate world, an opportunity to encompass her passion to help others and earn an income, came up. That opportunity is SeneGence! Sandra loves sharing SeneGence skincare and cosmetics with others. She loves to see the smiles and confidence it brings the women she meets. The best part of being her own boss is getting to meet and interact with like-minded supportive women and to help others reach financial goals they only dreamed about.

“One word that describes me is caring. No matter what life throws at me, I always put myself in other’s shoes.”

What are the thee qualities of a good leader?

My favorite three qualities that make up a good leader are compassion, determination and the ability to inspire others.
If you can travel anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?

I would love to travel to Italy, to see where my father grew up as a child, and to explore all the beauty and culture Italy has to offer.  

What are your three staple outfits in your closet.

This is a hard one! I would say jeans and T-shirt, black dress pants and a bright blue blouse, black pants and a black top.

What is your definition of a DivaGirl? How does being a DivaGirl make you feel empowered and inspired?

My definition of being a DivaGirl is an empowered woman. Being a DivaGirl makes me feel empowered by being supported and part of a community of like-minded women who are there to lift each other up and cheer each other on as we reach our goals.

What are your three major accomplishments and why?

Three major accomplishments in my life would be raising my three kids, as my oldest graduated with honors from high school and is going to university in the Fall. Jumping into a business I had no background in and managing a team of amazing ladies, many of whom are how leaders! As well as making a commitment to myself to always continue learning.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give to other business owners/want to start a business?

One piece of advice I would give others starting a business, is to make sure to manage your time wisely. Make sure you also invest smart and be ready to take the bad times with the good! Entrepreneurship is definitely a roller coaster.  

Favorite Quote/Motto that you live by?

“When you learn, teach, when you get, give.”  ~Maya Angelou

If you can have dinner with someone from past, present, or future who would it be and why?

The one person I would want to have dinner with is my dad. He passed away in 2010, not long after being diagnosed with lung cancer. I never really had a chance to say all I wanted, and he was always the one to help me through tough times with his great advice. I would want to have a dinner with him to say how much we miss him.

What is the last book you read?

As I’m a busy mom of three, it’s been a few months since I’ve had time to sit down and read a great book. The number one book, that comes to mind, would be “Girl Wash Your Face” By Rachel Hollis. It’s a great read, and makes you think about things in a different prospective. As women, we are brought up to take on so much, and put ourselves last. We need to be okay with doing what we want for ourselves.

What has been challenging for you as an entrepreneur? How did you overcome it?

The most challenging thing as an Entrepreneur has been overcoming my shyness! Getting myself out networking more. It’s still a work in progress, but having amazing products and an opportunity that works, help me want to share it with others!

What is your favorite thing to do to recharge your mind and your body?

My favorite thing to do to recharge my body and mind is a brisk walk, especially by the water.

We applaud you for listening to your intuition and following your passion.

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