Featured DivaGirl for March Gillian Aideyan

June 17, 2020

Say hello to our beautiful and fabulous Featured DivaGirl for March, Gillian Aideyan!! Gillian Aideyan is an African-Canadian Fashion Designer who was born in Nigeria, is married and has two boys. She will be showing her fashion collection for the first time on the runway at DivaGirl Fashion Friday Spring Runway at the end of the month

“Not All That Glitters is Gold” J.R.R. Tolkien

What is your definition of a leader?

A Leader is someone who is in charge and in control.

If you can have dinner with someone famous who would it be and why? I would love to have dinner with Oprah Winfrey, because she inspires me a lot as she followed her dreams.

What do you do to get fit, have fun and feel sexy?

I workout, enjoy going out with my good friends, and I like to dress well.

What are (3) must have essentials in your make-up bag?

My must haves include lip gloss, face powder, and my face brush.

What is your definition of a Divagirl? How does being a DivaGirl make you feel empowered and inspired?

Someone who is successful in her career or business. Being a DivaGirl makes me feel inspired and empowered because I know I am going to be successful in my business.

What are your three major accomplishments and why?

My three major accomplishments have been becoming successful in my business, becoming awell-known fashion designer, and doing well at what I do, because I believe in myself and have never given up.

Aside from your family and close friends, who are your other outside influencers and how have they changed you?

Oprah Winfrey is my outside influencer, because despite her grandmother wanting her to become a maid, she went against her and followed her dreams to become a very successful and powerful woman known all over the world, and she has inspired me to do the same in my life.

Favorite Quote/Motto that you live by?Not All That Glitters is Gold” J.R.R. Tolkien

What do you feel differentiates you from your competition?

What differentiates me from my competition is that I am more creative with my designs.

What has been challenging for you as an entrepreneur? How did you overcome it?

The most challenging thing for me is how do I communicate and spread word about my clothing line to people. DivaGirl is helping me to overcome this obstacle with me showcasing my fashion line to the media and the public at the end of March.

What is the ONE word that best describes you? Passionate

Follow this amazing fashion designer on the following social media platforms. Stay fabulous!!

IG: @gilliancouture

