Featured DivaGirl for November Maria Schirripa

June 16, 2020

Meet the beautiful and talented Maria Schirripa, our Featured DivaGirl for November!! Maria is a mom of three beautiful kids who are the light of her world. When they were young, she worked doing insurance adjudication and shortly after became a stay-at-home mom for many years which was truly rewarding. Not too many women have this opportunity to be there for their kids to nurture them and watch them grow.  I must thank my husband for that, I’m truly blessed! The past 5 years I have worked on contract doing design consultations for a builder.  Now I feel its time for me to work on my Business.

Blush Glam is an exclusive resort swimwear brand.  The way I differentiate my brand from others is I create pieces that are beautiful, and I add a touch of luxury by adding beautiful details in the form of crystals, chains, brooches etc.  These designs and my creative mind fill my time with so much love for what I do! I started a year ago creating my collection and I am eagerly awaiting to showcase my work on social media.

 Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

What is your definition of a leader?

My definition of a leader is someone with great communication skills, someone who is positive and engaging and has a strong ability to delegate tasks. I had the opportunity to lead when my sister and I opened a Children’s wear boutique.  It was very gratifying in the sense that we accomplished setting up the store from design of the store, to naming the company to inventory to Grand opening.   We accomplished this through great team co-operation as well as communicating my vision, adhering to time lines and great sense of commitment to our goal

What are the (3) things you can’t live without?

I can’t live without are my kids, music, or cell phone! My life and memories are on that device.

What do you do to get fit, have fun and feel sexy?

I recently started spin classes, during my life. However, I have been blessed with a great metabolism all my life.  Now that I’m getting older though, I must watch what I eat. I think I’ll be sticking to the exercise.

What are (3) staple outfits in your closet?

Three Staple outfits in my closet are a black blazer, black dress pants and a white shirt. You need these because they’re so versatile for dinner, work, and a social function. They make a statement that you’re put together no matter the occasion.

What is your definition of a DivaGirl? How does being a DivaGirl make you feel empowered and inspired?

A DivaGirl is confident and has a great attitude. DivaGirl makes me feel inspired and empowered, surrounding myself with like- minded people in the fashion industry that are also striving to accomplish their dream.

What are your three major accomplishments and why?

My three major accomplishments are raising my kids. They’ve become loving, caring adults. I  received my diploma this week for Interior Decorating from Humber College. I’ve always had a passion for design and creativity, I think both architectural design and fashion design are intertwined, and I’m inspired by both. Being a mom and business woman makes me great at multi-tasking. I can be a great adviser to my kids as well as thinking creatively about different designs for my swimwear company.

Aside from your family and close friends, who are your other outside influencers and how have they changed you?

My other outside influencers are Roberto Cavalli and Dolce and Gabbana. I feel these designers are true visionaries. They take fashion to another level.  Gabbana transforming T-shirts, handbags, and shoes into beautiful works of art, by adding gorgeous gold details in the form of flowers, crystal brooches, chains etc. Cavalli loves his bohemian fashion as well as his animal prints. He exudes sex appeal in his fashion forward pieces. These designers have inspired me through their creativity that you can take a plain piece of fabric and add some embellished details and the piece is transformed from typical, to extraordinary!

If you can have dinner with someone from past, present, or future who would it be and why?

If I could have dinner with someone it would by Bridget Bardot. She is such an icon. I loved her blonde beachy hair and the way she did her winged eyeliner. She was a bomb shell of her time. She pushed the boundaries of fashion all the while exuding confidence and glamour in all that she wore. I think just being in her presence would give me the confidence to create beautiful resort swimwear. She would be someone to wear my pieces and elevate them to another level.

What is the last book you read?

Last book I read was The Secret. This book is filled with inspiration that will fill your mind and soul with positive thoughts and emotions to match those thoughts so your dreams will come to fruition. We are what we think it’s that simple!

What has been challenging for you as an entrepreneur? How did you overcome it?

What’s been challenging as an entrepreneur is the technical side of the business. I must brush up on my social media skills. With the right people helping me with my social media I think I can overcome this.

What is the ONE word that best describes you?

One word that best describes me is dynamic. I am forever changing, this goes hand in hand with my designs.  Always creating fashion pieces in my mind from design to color of fabric, length, to all the necessary details that make the garment beautiful

What is your go to cheat food or comfort food of choice?

My go to comfort food is a nice juicy burger coke and fries. It brings me back to my childhood memories of hot summer days riding my bike to the plaza and stuffing my face, without a care in the world.

Congratulations Maria! We are all excited for you to debut Blush Glam to the world. Follow her designs via  Instagram: BlushNGlam